How to Turn Down a Shark Tank Offer and Double Your Business Anyway (podcast)

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This post originally appeared on Growth Everywhere, a marketing and business growth blog.

Ok, so this post is not exactly about how anyone can turn down a Shark Tank offer and double your business – it’s about how Patrick Ambron, CEO of Brand Yourself, an online presence management company, did that. But we can all learn from his amazing story! كازينو ٨٨٨

You know that first impressions are important, and Brand Yourself operates under the thesis that how you look online matters, too. For example, Patrick’s co-founder Pete was having trouble getting hired and then they discovered that when companies Googled him, a criminal with a similar name kept coming up!

Pete went to online reputation management companies but he couldn’t get a quote under $25,000 (because those companies focus on corporations and not individuals), so they launched their online presence management company. Brand Yourself also helps victims of “revenge porn” curate their online presence and take back their power.

Tune in to hear Patrick talk about all this as well as how an appearance on “Shark Tank” led to an increase in M in revenue even though they didn’t wind up taking an offer. شرح 1xbet


Download podcast transcript [PDF] here: How-Brand-Yourself-CEO-Patrick-Ambron-Turned-Down-a-Shark-Tank-Offer-And-Doubled-Their-Business-Anyway-TRANSCRIPT

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