How Posting Less Frequently on Social Media Will Get You More Traffic | Ep. #647

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In episode #647, Eric and Neil discuss why you should post less frequently on social media. Tune in to hear what you should be doing instead.


  • [00:27] Today’s Topic: How Posting Less Frequently on Social Media Will Get You More Traffic
  • [00:36] Eric used to use a tool Meet Edgar, but he doesn’t use it anymore because the engagement was too low.
  • [00:55] By decreasing their social media posts, they focused on quality content instead.
  • [01:30] MeetEdgar made the team lazy about social media traffic.
  • [01:45] It should always be quality over quantity when it comes to social media posting.
  • [02:24] If you keep posting crappy content, social media sites might bury your posts.
  • [03:05] Don’t post for the sake of it, focus on high-quality content.
  • [03:23] Neil would be lazy and just post a link to Facebook, but now he makes sure to add titles and descriptions, as well.
  • [03:53] The VP of Marketing at Sales Hacker will write mini blog posts on social media, then add links to the full content. He will also tag people in the posts.
  • [05:00] Post at least two to three times per week. Grant Cardone has great content, but doesn’t do well because he posts too often.
  • [05:21] That’s all for today!
  • [05:25] Go to for a special marketing tool giveaway!

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Full Transcript of The Episode

Announcer: Get ready for your daily dose of marketing strategies and tactics from entrepreneurs with the guile and experience to help you find success in any marketing capacity. You're listening to Marketing School with your instructors Neil Patel and Eric Siu.

Eric Siu: Welcome to another episode of marketing School. I'm Eric Siu.

Neil Patel: And I'm Neil Patel.

Eric Siu: And today we're going to talk about how posting less frequently on social media will get you more traffic. Here's a case study I have for you. I used to use this tool called Meet Edgar. Loved the tool, loved the concept of it but we just don't use it any more because the engagement that we were getting, having it auto-post to different channels out there, we've found that we just started publishing a budget content just for content's sake. It was just a lot of regurgitating stuff. What we did was we ended up decreasing the frequency of our social media posting and focus on the content itself which is meaning we're not just sharing the title, we are actually writing something that's personal and geared towards that channel.
For example, on Twitter or Instagram for example, we might write a little mini-blog post that outlines hey, here's what we're talking about. Here's the case study. Here's what you're going to learn from it and also making it sound like us too so putting in our own voice versus just sharing it like a robot which is what we're doing with MeetEdgar. Not saying that MeetEdgar is like a robot but we were lazy about it and we didn't put as much TLC or tender loving care into it. What we found was that we started getting more social traffic, more engagement, more likes on it because we spent more time and because we're posting natively to the apps.

Neil Patel: Yes and what Eric's getting at is quantity isn't king when it comes to social media. It's quality so quality over quantity. Here's why. Social media is very simple. If everyone looks at something and they like it or they retweet it or they share it or they leave a comment, what does it tell the social network? Hey, this content is amazing and more people need to see it. On the flip side if you post content and people see it and they just skip over it, tons of people see it and almost all of them skip over it, what does it tell the social media site that you're posting on? It tells them, "Hey, this content sucks. We don't care to see it."
If you keep just posting crap quality content, the social networks are going to be, "Hey, this user doesn't post amazing stuff. Users don't care for their content. We're not going to show it as frequently." What they found is if they just show you everyone's content frequently even if you don't like it, you're going to start hating the social network because you're going to think that it has just a ton of shit content. It's going to be a poor user experience for you. What they do instead is they just show you that person's content a lot less because even when they showed to you, you don't want to engage. Eventually, they just stop showing it to you because they know you're too lazy to unfriend them, dislike them or unfollow them or whatever it's called.
For that reason, yes, you should still post content but don't just post for the sake of it because [inaudible 00:03:08] the more I post the traffic I'm going to get. Instead, focus on high quality content and that doesn't just mean posting text-based content or images or videos that are high in quality but also the text that you put around it.
I used to be lazy and I would just post links to Facebook but now I add in a quick description or a snarky line or a comment. I do the same with LinkedIn. By getting in there, trying to personalize it, connecting more with people, I found that I get more engagement. It's not good enough to just create high quality content but you also need a personalized messages on these social sites which will help with the engagement.

Eric Siu: Here's another example. I mean Neil and I have talked about how LinkedIn has been getting better and better. Then there's a guy that's a friend of mine his name's Gaetano he is the VP of Marketing at Sales Hacker. What he does when he posts in Linked In, he'll post a mini-blog post talking about he this is how the future of STRs or BDRs should be and he outlines maybe three steps in there. He tags a bunch of people like, "Hey guys what do you think about this?" That gets engagement and he also says, "Hey, if you want to read the full post, click on the link in the first comment".
Not only that he has people click on the first link. They're liking it and all that. He's tagging the right people and he's put tender loving care to posting natively to that platform because he knows people like to engage in that way. That's what's done really well for him. It's led to a bunch of different opportunities, led to a bunch of sales, deals, partnerships, whatever you want to call it but that's just one example, LinkedIn.
Keep in mind social media is just another way of communicating with people. You're just talking to people. You're getting the message out there. It's not something that's really convoluted. It doesn't need to be something that's rocket science or anything like that. It's simple but it's not easy. That's social media for you.
Neil, anything else?

Neil Patel: Nope. You got it. Focus on quality. Don't post a ton. You still need to post at least two to three times a week but the stuff you should be posting is super high in quality to give you idea a very example of someone who posts a lot and doesn't do it well but they have a ton of followers is Grant Cardone. His content's good but he's not doing that well because it's just high frequency. Post less even if it's high quality. Just focus on your best stuff even if you think everything's high quality and you'll find that you'll get the most traffic that way.

Eric Siu: All right that's it for today but to get our marketing tools go to to grow your business and we'll see you later.

Announcer: This session of Marketing School has come to a close. Be sure to subscribe for more daily marketing strategies and tactics to help you find the success you've always dreamed of and don't forget to rate and review so we can continue to bring you the best daily content possible. We'll see you in class tomorrow right here on Marketing School.

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