This Week in Growth: 5 Marketing Bullets 3/18/2016

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This post originally appeared on Growth Everywhere, a marketing and business growth blog.

Happy Friday, everyone! Ready to enjoy the weekend? Before you do, though, check out my top five favorite marketing pieces from this week:

  1. The Best Slack Hacks for Slackers – Slack is one of the fastest growing companies in history and for customers, internal e-mail use is down 48.6%. But to really get the most out of it, you’ve got to know the basic (and advanced) hacks. One of my favorites that I use all the time is the /remind hack (to remind yourself or other users at a set date and time). Or, for marketers, you can track social mentions and competitor activity across platforms or automate your analytics. Cool, huh?


  1. How to Write a Book That Will 10X Your Email List – Epic post that goes into detail on how to create an e-book that maximizes your results, from finding the right topic, to writing the book and creating the design, to branding and marketing, to pricing and which selling platforms are best. More subscribers means more traffic which means more sales. As this SumoMe author says, “Your book is a promotional tool to be leveraged everywhere.”


  1. How the HubSpot Marketing Blog Actually Generates Leads (Hint: It’s Not How You Think) – This blog starts by asking the question, “Are end-of-post CTAs really the best way to generate leads from our blog?” Apparently not. This article explains why anchor text CTAs generate the most leads. An anchor text CTA is a line of text within the copy body that is linked to a landing page and HubSpot tends to place these between the post’s first few paragraphs.


  1. How to Conduct SEO Due Diligence – SEO due diligence is the process of reviewing your current digital marketing performance as well as future performance on behalf of investors. This post explains that it’s easy to make it appear as though your digital marketing strategy is sustainable when it’s really not or to offer up “vanity metrics” that don’t actually drive traffic.


  1. Aligning Content Work with Agile Processes – It used to be that “content was the message; developers provided the method of delivery,” but these days these two jobs are much more in alignment. The author says that he’s “identified four areas—iteration, product, people, and communication—where developers and designers can find common ground with their content colleagues and help them adapt to the agile world, while themselves gaining a greater understanding of content culture.”


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