This Week in Growth: 5 Marketing Bullets 8/5/2016

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This post originally appeared on Growth Everywhere, a marketing and business growth blog.

Happy Friday! Before you go off to your weekend, have a quick look at my five favorite marketing pieces from this week:

  1. The Biggest Content Marketing Trends in 2017 – This Content Marketing Institute article comes from founder Joe Pulizzi (who, by the way, you can hear share his wisdom and experience in this fantastic Growth Everywhere podcast: How Content Marketing Institute Founder Joe Pulizzi Got 165,000 E-mail Subscribers with 10x Content) who compiled it after talking to enterprise marketers from all over the world during the past year. These cutting edge trends are based on the issues that they are currently dealing with.
  2. The Compounding Returns Of Content Marketing: The Data Behind Why Persistence Pays Off In Blogging – If you’re wondering about the effectiveness of content marketing, this is a great post to read, which explains that content marketing has a “cumulative and compounding return.” The returns you get on each post go beyond the day of publication. In fact, the author says that over 50% of the page views on any given top blog post on this site happen “one or more days after the post was published.” And as he says, “the larger a content base, the greater the traffic, because of the sum of the visitors to the older posts.”
  3. 3 Smart Moves that Supercharge Sales Funnels with ContentOn a similar theme, this article from Copyblogger states that most business blogs are “boring, product-centric, and full of corporate jargon.” But if you write “juicy, engaging, personality-filled content that readers love to consume and share” you can easily generate leads. The author gives you three great actionable steps to take to supercharege your sales funnel.
  4. 3 Ways to Increase Conversions by Increasing Contextual RelevanceThis post by ConversionXL gives you three great ways to optimize your content, not just for mobile, but based on context. The author says that low-converting landing pages for mobile doesn’t just mean that they aren’t optimized for mobile but that they haven’t even been written with mobile context in mind. In other words, “if a potential customer is commuting to work on a bus or train, and they have 5 minutes left until they arrive at work, are they really going to read your 5,000 word sales page on their phone? We have to stop thinking about optimizing websites for “devices” [and optimize] for humans.
  5. Nine Quick Fixes to Improve Your Stagnant SEO – If you’ve been working at your SEO strategy steadily and yet haven’t seen a lot of organic growth, try these nine simple SEO tactics from Search Engine Watch.

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